Welcome to a new feature just for us girls that I'd like to call Menses Munchies. In this feature, I plan on providing a monthly spotlight on sweet, calorific vegan treats that can help to chase away menstrual camps and make you feel less like an ogre that's set on destroying the nearest village.
For my inaugural Menses Munchies mention, I'd like to give a shoutout to Daiya's new(ish) vegan cheescakes, which, as I found out the other day, are perfect for lady time. You see, as I was just beginning to surf the crimson wave the other day, I found myself daydreaming about Daiya cheesecakes. I'm a bad vegan because up until this point -- almost a year since the company released their famed gluten-free and vegan cheesecakes to the public -- I had never taken the plunge and tried one. I blame the $9 price tag and my near-constant habit of being fiscally responsible.
But the siren song of cheescake got louder while my increasingly painful cramps sucked my will to live, and I set off on a quest to find this mythical treat. I walked in a pained daze to my local health food store (Amaranth) to no avail. Grumpy, I then stomped to my neighbourhood Safeway, and was met with even more frustration.
The elusive Daiya New York Cheezecake. |
I was about to go Hulk until Mr. Picky Bitch suggested we broaden our scope and go on an adventure to locate this cheesecake by car. With waning patience, we set off to Planet Organic, where they were sold out of all but the Daiya strawberry cheesecakes. (With good reason, too -- strawberry cheesecake seems like mega weaksauce). We finally lucked out at our next stop (Superstore), where I snatched up one of the two remaining Daiya New York Cheezecakes, and we zoomed our way home.
And then, after half an hour of PMS yoga (do it next time you're cramping, ladies, I promise it'll help!), I tucked into a piece of cheesecake while re-watching episodes of Mad Men. That piece turned into another, until I had to cut myself off before I dished out a third slice.
You see, the New York Cheezecake is...plain -- it's lovely and rich and it really hits the spot for period-related cravings, but there's not a whole lot of complexity to its flavour.* But if you jazz it up with hella yummy, PMS-appeasing flavours, it becomes out of this world.
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Apparently it's really hard to get a good picture of this tricked out cheesecake. I blame the cramps, obvi. |
The combinations of flavours you can add to this cheesecake are endless, but I HIGHLY recommend pimping your cheesecake out with a squeeze of Smuckers squeezable raspberry preserves (spread out evenly on top of your slice of cheesecake), and a drizzle of chocolate Nesquik syrup. These are both awesome, accidentally vegan and gluten-free products that elevate a perfectly fine and tasty piece of cheescake to a work of art.
Seriously, adding these two toppings makes a world of difference, and it takes me from feeling like this:
To this:
What gross (yet very tasty and calorific) junk foods do you crave when you're hardcore PMSing? Have you ever tried the Daiya cheezecakes (with or without toppings)? Let me know by commenting below or by tweeting my at @PickyBitchez.
* A word to the wise: the New York Cheezecakes taste A LOT like plain Daiya cream cheese, which is good for me, since I'm partial to Daiya cream cheeses in general. But if you're more fond of Tofutti or other vegan cream cheeses on the market, this may not be the dessert for you.
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